Linux Notes


/etc/systemd/system - default location for system units ~/.config/systemd/user - default location for user units


# reload units and timers
systemctl [--user] daemon-reload
# show all units (including disabled)
systemctl [--user] list-units -a
# view logs for unit
# also accepts:
#   -f               | tail the log
#   --user-unit foo  | target user unit instead of system
#   --boot=0         | show logs from current boot (-1 for previous, etc)
journalctl --unit foo


A simple service unit


Description=example service



foobar.timer A simple timer unit

Description=example timer

# run every 15 minutes (aligns to the hour)
# run timer immediately if script is enabled and is past due


More examples here.

Basic Arch Install


timedatectl set-ntp true

fdisk /dev/sda 

# Create 300MB boot, 2GB swap, and leave the rest for root

mkswp /dev/sda2

mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3

mount /dev/sda3 /mnt

swapon /dev/sda2

# edit /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist to change mirror order **

pacstrap /mnt base

genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

arch-chroot /mnt

ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Indianapolis /etc/localtime

hwclock --systohc --utc

# uncomment en_US locales in /etc/locale.gen **


# enter hostname in /etc/hostname **

mkinitcpio -p linux


pacman -S grub

grub-install --target=i386-pc --recheck --debug /dev/sda

grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg



pacman -S vim htop git openssh wget

pacman -S xorg-server xf86-video-ati xorg-xinit

Generic Linux Install

# list all available block devices
# Copy bootable image to flash drive (status=progress requires dd >= 8.24)
# be careful not to mess up the of= argument, or you might overwrite your HD
sudo dd if=foobar.iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress && sync


# show device connect/disconnects and fired rules
udevadm monitor
# list all attributes for a particular device (and parents)
udevadm info --attribute-walk --path=/devices/...
# simple vendorid, productid example
# note SYMLINK is only for block devices (I think, look it up yourself)
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="3300", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1e10", MODE="0666", SYMLINK+="foobar"



# list all tables
iptables -L -n -v
# (fedora) save iptables rules and remember to disable firewalld
iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables


# allow ssh
# must allow incoming connection and response

# append rule to input (-A INPUT) on input interface enp6s0f0 (-i enp6s0f0) 
# with destination port 22 (--dport 22).  use 'state' module (-m state)
# and allow new and established connections (--state NEW,ESTABLISHED)
# jump to target ACCEPT (-j ACCEPT)
iptables -A INPUT -i enp6s0f0 -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

# append rule to output (-A OUTPUT) on output interface enp6s0f0 (-o enp6s0f0) 
# with source port 22 (--sport 22).  use 'state' module (-m state)
# and allow established connections (--state ESTABLISHED)
# jump to target ACCEPT (-j ACCEPT)
iptables -A OUTPUT -o enp6s0f0 -p tcp --sport 22 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
# filter table: flush all chains, and delete all user added chains
iptables -F
iptables -X
# nat table: flush all chains, and delete all user added chains
iptables -t nat -F
iptables -t nat -X


Do network bandwidth testing

Test speed to device A for 10 s

iperf -c [other_ip] -p [other_port] -f M

Wait for connection from device B

iperf -s -p 1234



# create new lv `foo` in group `foo_group`
lvcreate -L 10G foo_group -n foo


lvremove /dev/[vgname]/[lvname]


# add all devices to filesystem
btrfs device add /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdc2 /dev/sdd2 /
# convert system to raid10
btrfs balance start -dconvert=raid10 -mconvert=raid10 /
# check balance progress
btrfs balance status /
# get rid of single chunks to get another shot at degraded,rw mount
btrfs balance start -dconvert=raid10,soft -mconvert=raid10,soft  /mount


Config examples

/etc/lxc/lxc.conf - set path for containers to be stored (default /var/lib/lxc)

lxc.lxcpath = "/lxc"

/etc/lxc/default.conf - config options for all newly created containers to inherit = veth = lxcbr0 = up = 00:16:3e:xx:xx:xx = 1

# address = =

# memory
lxc.cgroup.memory.limit_in_bytes = 512M

# memory + swap
lxc.cgroup.memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes = 1G

/etc/default/lxc-net - it may be necessary to add /etc/lxc/dnsasq.conf to the apparmor profile (/etc/apparmor.d/dnsmasq) with read privileges




iptables config

## Evan Widloski - 2016-11-11
# Diode iptables rules

# filter table: flush all chains, and delete all user added chains
iptables -F
iptables -X
# nat table: flush all chains, and delete all user added chains
iptables -t nat -F
iptables -t nat -X

# set default policies to DROP packets
iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP

# allow inbound outbound traffic on host 
iptables -A OUTPUT -o enp6s0f0 -d -j ACCEPT 
iptables -A INPUT -i enp6s0f0 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

# set up chain for sshguard
iptables -N sshguard
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j sshguard

# allow ssh
iptables -A INPUT -i enp6s0f0 -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o enp6s0f0 -p tcp --sport 22 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

# allow mosh
iptables -A INPUT -i enp6s0f0 -p udp --dport 60000:61000 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o enp6s0f0 -p udp --sport 60000:61000 -j ACCEPT

# allow connections to varnish service
#iptables -A INPUT -i enp6s0f0 -p tcp --dport 80 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
#iptables -A OUTPUT -o enp6s0f0 -p tcp --sport 80 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

# allow host to access LXC targets via network
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j ACCEPT

# allow outbound traffic for lxc containers
iptables -A FORWARD -i lxcbr0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j MASQUERADE

# after incoming packets have been NAT'ed (see below), allow them to pass through
# the forward chain to their intended LXC target
iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

##------------ evan --------------
## ssh
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 20022 -j DNAT --to-destination


# list container statuses and ip addresses (fancy mode)
lxc-ls -f
brctl show
brctl delbr virbr0
brctl addbr virbr0
ip link set virbr0 down

New Container Setup

New LXC containers are very barebones and need a bit of setup to be useful. Here is an overview of steps for various distros.


Setup PATH

# add /bin, /sbin to path
echo 'PATH=$PATH:/bin:/sbin'>>.bashrc

Install packages

# core commands
apt-get install apt-utils vim man tar less iputils-ping

# extra commands
apt-get install git zip autojump wget htop ncdu nload


Install packages

# core commands
dnf install vim man

# core commands
dnf install git zip autojump wget htop ncdu nload


# enable notifications for any messages in buffer (works for Android client, too)
/buffer set highlight_regex .\ast{}.*


Checking state and simulating failure

# check RAID state
cat /proc/mdstat  # look for failure, (F), after the drive name: sda1[0](F)

# simulate a failed drive
mdadm --manage --set-faulty /dev/md/pv00 /dev/sda1

# remove faulty state by removing and readding
mdadm --remove /dev/md/pv00 /dev/sda1
mdadm --add /dev/md/pv00 /dev/sda1

Replacing a failed drive (sdc)

# set hard drive as failed
# mark as failed and remove
mdadm --manage /dev/md127 --fail /dev/sdc1
mdadm --manage /dev/md127 --remove /dev/sdc1

# write down serial number of failed drive
hdparm -i /dev/sdc1 | grep -i serial
shutdown -h now
# remove broken harddrive, insert the new hardddrive

# copy partition scheme from working harddrive to new harddrive
sfdisk -d /dev/sda | sfdisk /dev/sdc

# add new harddrive
mdadm --manage /dev/md127 --add /dev/sdc1

# verify that array is recovering
cat /proc/mdstat

Notifying on harddrive failure (gmail)


# add this after `begin routers` in router config section
     driver = manualroute
     domains = ! +local_domains
     transport = gmail_smtp
     route_list = *
# add this after `begin transports` in transports config section
     driver = smtp
     port = 587
     hosts_require_auth =
     hosts_require_tls =
# add this after `begin authenaticators` in authentication config section
     driver = plaintext
     public_name = LOGIN
     client_send = : : password_in_plaintext_here


AUTO +imsm +1.x -all
ARRAY /dev/md/pv00 level=raid5 num-devices=4 UUID=1327a02b:b19f6696:0e3f8ac7:9615591c

Growing RAID size

This is useful if the RAID array needs to be grown by using up more free space (no added harddrive)

umount /dev/sda
umount /dev/sdb
umount /dev/sdc
umount /dev/sdd

# grow RAID array to 500GB (this will take a while)
mdadm -G /dev/md127 -z 500G

# resize physical volume to fit new RAID partition size
pvresize /dev/md127

Accessing via Live CD

If the array gets screwed up somehow, you can try mounting it on a livecd.

apt install mdadm

# assemble array from block devices
mdadm --assemble --scan

# mount array (assuming lvm)
apt install lvm2

# see if lv's are intact

# mount lv
mount /dev/[vgname]/[lvname] /mnt/foo

Installing GRUB on a Live CD Mounted System

# mount root lv
mount /dev/[vgname]/root /mnt/root

# mount live CD directories inside mounted lv
for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt/root$i; done

# chroot into root lv
chroot /mnt/root

# install grub to each device in array
grub2-install /dev/sda
grub2-install /dev/sdb
grub2-install /dev/sdc
grub2-install /dev/sdd

# update grub config
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

Mounting Images

# list the partitions on the image file
fdisk -l /tmp/sdcard.img 
Disk /tmp/sdcard.img: 162 MiB, 169869824 bytes, 331777 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x00000000

Device           Boot Start    End Sectors  Size Id Type
/tmp/sdcard.img1 *        1  65536   65536   32M  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/tmp/sdcard.img2      65537 331776  266240  130M 83 Linux
# use the sector size and the partition start sector to calculate offset (512 * 65537)
sudo mount -o loop,offset=33554944 /tmp/sdcard.img /mnt/tmp

Auto FS

Auto FS + SSHFS allows the system to mount ssh filesystems on access and then automatically unmount after a certain timeout. The necessary tools are autofs and sshfs.

/etc/auto.master or /etc/auto.master.d/foobar.autofs or /etc/autofs/auto.master

# mounts all the entries listed in /etc/auto.sshfs in /mnt/ with the given options
# add the --verbose option here to debug mounting issues
# set --timeout to control when sshfs mount is automatically unmounted
/mnt /etc/auto.sshfs --timeout=180 --ghost


# make a mount to be used by auto.master
foobar -fstype=fuse,rw,IdentityFile=/home/evan/.ssh/foobar,port=22,allow_other

AutoFS runs as root, so ensure that the host fingerprint has been added to root.ssh/known_hosts. You can add this easily by attempting to ssh login to from root.

su -
# enter yes

Resizing LUKS encrypted LVM

# expand the block device with fdisk, if necessary

# resize physical volume
pvresize --setphysicalvolumesize 111.8G /dev/sdb2
# be careful about using `-l +100%FREE`.  this broke /home until I manually shrank fedora--vg-home by a few GB
lvextend -l 80G /dev/mapper/fedora--vg-home
resize2fs /dev/mapper/fedora--vg-home

Fixing Nodejs


# Sync permissions only. (useful if you forgot `-p` option in cp)
# Looks at filesize differences to determine if a copy is needed rather
# than timestamp (which gets reset when `-p` is left out of cp.
rsync --archive --size-only /src/foo /dest/bar
# -a : archive, preserve permissions, creation dates, etc
# -v : verbose
# -h : human readable file sizes

rsync -avh src dest

DNS Tunneling with iodine

Most of this was taken from

Domain Setup

On a domain you own (e.g., create an A record pointing to the ip of a server you own and an NS record pointing to

To verify the setup is working, you can do:

# on the server
sudo nc -u -l -p 53

# on another device
dig +trace
# you should see some stuff printed out in the console on the server

Server Setup

# set iptables rules
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o dns0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i dns0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT

# enable ip forwarding on the server
#  unnecessary if you want to use `ssh -D 1234` for dynamic port forwarding 
#  on the client (as opposed to setting default routes)
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

# install iodine
dnf install iodine

# run iodine (as root in a screen session)
#  `password` is the password to use the tunnel
#  `` is the ip of the server on the tunnel network
iodined -c -P password -f

# note that if iodined is behind a NAT, you'll need to port forward UDP 53 and
#   use the `-p` option to tell iodined the server's external ip
# iodined -c -P password -f -p [ ip]

Client Setup

Alternatively, you can download a script that does this part from

# launch iodine client and wait for a 'Connection setup complete' message
sudo iodine -f

# either use SSH for dynamic forwarding (one application at a time)  or set up routes

# ssh
ssh -D 1234
# set Firefox to use socks proxy localhost on port 1234

# set up routes
# get the current gateway ip
ip route
# get the tunnel server ip
# add a route for iodine to communicate with the outside world
sudo ip route add [ IP] via [current gateway IP]
# delete the default route for traffic
sudo ip route delete default
# add a default route so that all traffic is tunneled
sudo ip route add default via
# also DNS may not work, so you might have to manually set it to something reasonable
sudo sh -c "echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf"


# lookup the hostname or domain name associated with ip address
# also works for local machines in the search domain
dig -x


block - smallest addressable unit of storage

Block size is defined in the hardware of a hard drive, but the OS can
define a virtual block size which chains multiple blocks together.

There are three primary boot options involving UEFI and BIOS firmwares

GPT - GUID Partition Table

protective mbr - a small partition at the beginning of the GPT disk (where the MBR would normally be) that prevents older MBR tools from damaging the GPT formatting

This partition contains a fake partition record which spans the entirety of the disk. MBR programs will see that there is a partition of unknown type that spans the entire disk and will refuse to operate.

A GPT disk is formatted like so:

Protective MBR512B
GPT Header512B
GPT Partition Table16KB
Backup Partition Table16KB
Backup Header512B

So there should be 17KB and 16.5KB of free space at the beginning and end of a GPT disk.

Random facts

SMART Status

smartctl -a /dev/sdX
smartctl -t short /dev/sdX

Network interfaces and bridging

Simulating network disconnect

# add network namespaces (for network isolation)
sudo ip netns add client-ns
sudo ip netns add server-ns

# create pairs of virtual interfaces
sudo ip link add client type veth peer name client-bridge
sudo ip link add server type veth peer name server-bridge
# add virtual interfaces to namespace
sudo ip link set client netns client-ns
sudo ip link set server netns server-ns
# give addresses to each virtual interface
sudo ip netns exec client-ns ip addr add dev client
sudo ip netns exec server-ns ip addr add dev server
# set virtual interfaces up
sudo ip netns exec client-ns ip link set client up
sudo ip netns exec server-ns ip link set server up
sudo ip link set client-bridge up
sudo ip link set server-bridge up

# add bridge interface
sudo brctl addbr bridge0
# link virtual interfaces to bridge
sudo brctl add if bridge0 client-bridge
sudo brctl add if bridge0 server-bridge
# set bridge up
sudo ip link set bridge0 up

# (in a new terminal) do stuff on the virtual interface
sudo ip netns exec client-ns ping

# set bridge down (simulate network offline)
sudo ip link set bridge0 down

# sometimes you might need to use the loopback interface
sudo ip netns exec client-ns ip link set lo up
sudo ip netns exec server-ns ip link set lo up

Ubuntu VNC Server

# install x11vnc
sudo apt install x11vnc
# create a password
x11vnc -storepasswd
# start the server

To automatically run the server at login, add a startup script:


Add a new item called "VNC" with the command field set to

x11-vnc -forever -loop -noxdamage -repeat -rfbport 5900 -shared -usepw

Remember to set the machine to never suspend in the system power settings.


Useful options

Fedora COPR

List copr repos

dnf copr list

List copr repos

dnf copr list

List copr repos

dnf copr list

Removing copr repos

sudo dnf copr remove foo/bar

Broken TTY

sudo DISPLAY=:0 loadkeys us


qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom image.iso -boot d -net nic -net user -m 256 -rtc base=localtime -icount 1,sleep=off -rtc clock=vm

Playing Sound

The beep command requires that the pcspkr module be loaded. An alternative is the play command (provided by the sox package which ships with some systems).

play -n -c1 synth sin 330 fade h 0.1 0.2 0.1 : synth sin 330 fade h 0.1 0.2 0.1

There are a variety of effects and waveforms that can be chained or played simultaneously.

Connecting to Multiple WiFi Networks Simultaneously

Add a new dummy interface called wlan0 that is tied to the real interface wlp3s0

sudo iw dev wlp3s0 interface add wlan0 type station

Then use NetworkManager as normal to connect to another network with this new interface.


Connect to a specific BSSID

nmcli dev wifi connect "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"

List access points

nmcli dev wifi list

Flatpak Filesystem Access

Give all flatpak programs access to the filesystem by default

flatpak --user override --filesystem=host

Syncthing CLI

# get current device ID
syncthing cli show system | grep myID
# add another device
syncthing cli config devices add --name OTHER_MACHINE --device-id OTHER_ID
# share a folder
syncthing cli config folders FOLDER_ID devices add --device-id OTHER_ID